All posts filed under “Le18/ Zeitraumexit, Marrakesch 2018


Please dont touch_(c) Charlotte Arens1
Please dont touch_(c) Charlotte Arens12
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Please dont touch_(c) Charlotte Arens16
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Please dont touch_(c) Charlotte Arens5
Please dont touch_(c) Charlotte Arens2
Please dont touch_(c) Charlotte Arens7
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charita-السِّيس : PLEASE DON`T TOUCH

Le18, Marrakech


an audiowalk through spaces of remembrance in search of lost sounds

Moving from collected narrations and field recordings, this work proposes a sonic guided tour in the medina reactivating collective and intimate spaces of remembrance of the medina that used to be. The tour is nourished by the description by ancient inhabitants of their neighbourhood, houses and cafés, by soundscapes capturing habitats of social practices that have been displaced from the medina to other districts of Marrakech.

Navigating between displacement and replacement, layers of time intermingle. Present and past, reality and fiction superimpose, asking what happens if the declaration of places as a world heritage expulses the social spaces that formerly co-existed with the architectonic space.

A production by MadrassaCollective, Le18 and Zeitraumexit

Funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung

Concept and realization: Eleonora Herder

Sound design: Eleonora Herder

Dramaturgy: Charlotte Arens

Darija Translation: Noureddine Ezarraf & Hasna Mejdi

Graphic design: Maha Mouidine

charita-السِّيس is a programm of artistic interventions taking place in public, open-air and indoor spaces of Marrakech. It is curated by Madrassa Collective and Zeitraumexit.

As a worls-wide, untemporal children street game, the charita or السِّيس is a series of lines and intersections creating squares, producing spaces and drawing playgrounds even in contexts where they do not actually exist. It adapts to the street, while shaping its function, its functioning. Charita develops a meta-felections on the role, scope, methods and effects of cultural institutions, while trying to break the prevailing city´s dynamics, to reach new audiences, by playfully appropiating and retranslating cultural forms, conventionally perceived as marginal and „popular“, therefore often dismissed.

charita/ السِّيس was funded by the Coproductions Fund of the Goethe Institut and in the framework of Change of Scene, a programme of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the International Theatre Institute.السِّيس/