All posts filed under “Mousonturm, Frankfurt 2014



Mousonturm, Frankfurt


“Sometimes I think I can see you” is a Performance in public space in which I participated in the version that was created for Frankfurt am Main in the frame of EVAKUIEREN a Festival of the Theater Mousonturm.

A train station. Four authors observe the space from various perspectives. Typing into their laptops, they write live on what they see in the railway station. And other things too: private observations, things they make up, or historical information. Every word they type is projected onto a large screen, a separate one for each author.

The audience and the casual passers by of the train station start to be part of the narration of the writers. When they check at the screens they notice they’re becoming characters in some kind of fiction created on the spot.

The audience sees how the writers create a sort of novel alive taking the reality that surrounds them. And they also have the possibility to “act”, to interfere that fiction; they are part of the creation of a collective narration that reflects a time and a space.

Like surveillance cameras recording anonymous individuals’ every movement in the station, each writer transforms the spontaneous progress through a public space into narratives conveying what is going on – or might be going on – inside people’s heads in parallel with the bustling life of the station.

Concept and Idea: Mariano Pensotti

Mariano Pensotti (Buenos Aires – 1973) studied cinema, visual arts and theater.

His performances have been presented in Argentina and in festivals and venues in Belgium, Germany, France, Ireland, Latvia, Brasil, Canada, Japan, Austria, Spain, Chile, England, Denmark and Switzerland.

For his work he has won the prizes Rozenmacher, Clarin and Premio F; and the schollarships Unesco-Aschberg, Rockefeller Foundation, Fundación Antorchas and Casa de América de Madrid.

The following authoirs from the Rhein Main Region participated in this project: Eleonora Herder, Lea Wohl von Haselberg, Silvia Bieler, Andrea Geißler, Ingeborg von Zadow, Safiye Can, Andreass Hutt, Brandstifter, Gabriele Schaffner, Thomas Kurze, ,Iris Welker Sturm, Ewart Reder and Jannis Plastargias.